Sunday, April 27, 2014

Split Tables in Autodesk Inventor 2014

You can split a parts list, hole, revision, or general table.
  1. To define the split line, right-click text in a table row.
  2. On the menu, click Table  Split Table.
    The table splits into two segments. In the browser, the new table segment displays as a child of the parent table.
Tip: To cancel the table split, right-click a table segment, and click Un-split Table. All segments are connected to the parent table.

Move table segments

Drag table segments to the desired place on the drawing sheet. All segments of a table must be placed on the same drawing sheet.

Edit segments of a table

To edit properties for all table segments in one step, edit the parent segment. After you save the edits, all segments of a split table respect your changes.
To change properties for a specific child segment, edit the segment. All property overrides applied to child segments are preserved until the table is unsplit.


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