Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Drawing Template

A drawing consists of one or more sheets that each contain one or more 2D drawing views and annotations. Drawings are associative to the digital prototypes. Any change to the model is automatically reflected in the drawing the next time you open it. You can create a drawing at any point in the design process, and it always reflects the current state of the digital prototype. Annotations can include dimensions, symbols, tables, and text.

Drawing templates

Drawings are created from a drawing template file. Autodesk Inventor includes standard templates (.idw.dwg) stored in theAutodesk\Inventor (version number)\Templates folder. The available templates are presented in the Create New File dialog box.
Drawing templates can contain sheet formats, borders, title blocks, and sketched symbols. Templates also control the default styles and standards used for the appearance of views and annotations.
When you start a drawing, the title block, border, sheet size, and other elements come from the template.

Tips for drawings

  • The template you select to create a drawing file determines the default sheet size, title block, border, and so on. You can change the sheet size, title block, and border after you create the drawing. The template controls the default styles and standards used for the appearance of views and annotations.
  • Create customized templates and save them in the Templates folder. To set up a drawing template, open a template file fromAutodesk\Inventor (version number)\Templates. Make your changes, and save the file with a new name in the Templates folder. The new template is available the next time the New File dialog box displays.
  • Create different templates for the different sheets sizes you use, or create multiple sheet formats in a single template.
  • To customize a drawing sheet in a template, change the default sheet size and specify sheet orientation. Then modify the border and title blocks to fit the sheet. Available borders and title blocks are listed in the Drawing Resources folder in the browser.


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